North Valley CBD Cannabidiol Basics Cannabidiol Basics: What You Should Know About CBD

Cannabidiol Basics: What You Should Know About CBD

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of the most well-researched cannabinoids found within the makeup of the cannabis plant. It is also one of the widest-used, as a form of medicine in the treatment of many medical ailments that make life challenging or painful. Legalization of this cannabinoid (which does not get you high unlike THC, another cannabinoid) is becoming more wide-spread in recent years, and that has people singing its praises from the mountaintops.

Chances are, you’ve heard a lot of talk about CBD somewhere. If you spend twenty minutes on the internet, you’ve probably seen some kind of advertisement or article about it. Upon learning about the existence of CBD, many people want to learn more about it and how it can aid them in their lives.

This article aims to help you do exactly that, by answering some of the most common questions about CBD in a way that anyone can understand.

How Does CBD Work Within the Body?

This is a question that could be answered with essays upon essays, so we’ll keep it brief. CBD, like other cannabinoids, work within the body by interacting with the endocannabinoid system that’s located inside each of us. This system is responsible for many biological processes and can be acted upon by the presence of cannabinoids. This results in many health benefits.

Which Health Benefits Does CBD Provide?

CBD has been used in the treatment of pain, inflammation, anxiety, stress, epilepsy, cancer, and many other health maladies. It is a powerhouse of a cannabinoid, capable of doing a number of great things, including:

  • Pain relief, especially from joint inflammation
  • Relief from anxiety and day-to-day stress
  • Increased appetite with less nausea and vomiting
  • The reduction of seizures, tics and spasms, both in frequency and in severity

CBD Really Doesn’t Get You High?

It may be hard to believe that anything derived from a plant known for its intoxicating effects won’t get you high, but in the case of CBD this is true. CBD isn’t necessarily non-psychoactive, as it does facilitate a sense of relaxation and ease, but it doesn’t provide the euphoric “high” attributed to CBD’s fellow cannabinoid, THC.

Is CBD Safe to Use?

CBD is widely regarded as completely safe for human consumption, even in surprisingly high amounts on daily basis. It has zero potential for abuse, as it is non-intoxicating. The human body tolerates CBD exceptionally well. It tolerates CBD so well, in fact, that there are no known cases of pure CBD being a health problem for anybody.